View the Virtual Drone Advisory Committee Meeting on Friday, June 19

TheFederal Aviation Administration (FAA) will hold a virtual Drone Advisory Committee (DAC) meeting from noon to 3 p.m. EDT on Friday, June 19. The agency will livestream the meeting on its social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The DAC will continue a public conversation about how to collaborate on important issues like Remote Identification, […]
FAA Restricts Airspace for Upcoming Space Flight
TheFederal Aviation Administration(FAA) hasissued multipleNotice to Airmen (NOTAMS)Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) around Cape Canaveral, Fla., through Wednesday, May 27,2020. The NOTAMS are in preparation forNASAs historic manned space flight to the International Space Station aboard theSpaceXCrew Dragon capsule.This the first launch of astronauts to Earth orbit on an American-built spacecraft from American soil since 2011. […]